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Develop the autonomy of customers in store thanks to «Selfcare»

Written by Fabien | 9 October 2023

“Selfcare”. This is a word that is necessarily evoked at some point when implementing an omnichannel customer relationship strategy. But what is it?

Selfcare: definition

The «selfcare» is to give consumers the means to be autonomous at the different stages of their buying journey and to find answers to their questions without human intervention, whether before, during or after the sale.

Who has never been annoyed to listen for long minutes to music waiting for a customer service that is hard to reach? Consumers want answers, easily and... quickly!

The «selfcare» can therefore meet a major need: that of solving problems by oneself without going through a customer service. When you know that 72% of Internet users claim it (according to a Forrester study), it’s hard to miss it.

The objectives of «Selfcare» in the customer journey

Before purchase:

  • Accompany the customer in his purchase reflection, guiding him through different resources such as articles, guides, comparators, videos...
  • Assist the customer in real time, by answering his questions, whether technical or commercial.
During purchase:
  • Facilitate the purchase process, simplifying the ordering process and providing clear information on prices, payment options, delivery times and terms...
  • Offer order tracking, allowing to obtain information in real time at each step.
  • Suggest recommendations throughout the purchase process: insurance, warranty extension, commissioning...
After purchase:
  • Support in use, providing guides and manuals but also offering technical assistance in case of problems.
  • Facilitate returns and exchanges, communicating clear instructions and streamlining the journey.
  • Engage your customers, through loyalty programs so that your customers become your best ambassadors.
  • Collect feedback, encouraging your users to evaluate your products for a continuous improvement of your offer.

Customer benefits


Selfcare allows customers to freely manage their needs without constantly depending on customer service. They are able to find answers to their questions and make decisions without outside intervention or pressure. This autonomy helps to improve their customer experience and often leads to increased satisfaction and loyalty.


Selfcare reduces the time it takes to get an answer at every stage of the purchasing process. Customers can access resources that guide them in their choice, allow them to get an answer, make a diagnosis or get technical support online, often without time constraints.

Customization Selfcare allows customers to personalize their experience based on their preferences. The tools can enable custom recommendations or include advanced search filters. Personalization strengthens the emotional link between the customer and the brand, promoting loyalty and positive recommendations.
Problem solving Selfcare allows customers to solve their problems as soon as possible. This may include troubleshooting guides, detailed FAQs, and preventive alerts. Proactive problem solving reduces customer frustrations, improves brand confidence and positions the brand as proactive in its commitment to satisfaction.

Les avantages pour l'entreprise

Reduction of support costs Selfcare helps reduce customer support costs by providing customers with autonomous tools to solve their problems. This reduces the customer service workload, allowing the company to achieve significant savings while maintaining high customer satisfaction. The resulting operational efficiency can be a key factor in market competitiveness.
Improved operational efficiency Selfcare improves operational efficiency by enabling customers to quickly solve their problems without requiring constant staff intervention. This frees up internal resources, allowing employees to focus on higher value-added tasks. Companies focused on operational efficiency can benefit from smoother processes and optimized resources.
Customer Data Collection Selfcare generates valuable data on customer behavior and preferences. By analyzing this data, companies can gain in-depth insights into their customers' needs, which can inform marketing, product and service strategies. Intelligent use of this data can make the company more relevant to the market.
Branding Offering selfcare solutions demonstrates a commitment to customer satisfaction and innovation, thus strengthening the brand’s reputation. Companies that promote selfcare tools show that they are attentive to their customers' needs and adopt modern approaches to improve the customer experience. This can result in a more positive brand image and increased loyalty.
Flexibility in demand management Selfcare allows companies to manage demand variations more effectively. Autonomous customers can access the services at any time, spreading the load over a wider time range. This flexibility is particularly crucial for companies operating in markets with high demand or subject to seasonal variations. This helps maintain high levels of service, even during peak periods.

What tools to implement?

  • Customer portal: A web portal allows customers to access their account, view their purchase history, track orders, manage preferences, and resolve issues on their own.
  • FAQ: A frequently asked questions section that provides answers to common customer queries, allowing them to find solutions quickly without requiring direct interaction with an agent.
  • Knowledge Base: A comprehensive database containing articles, guides and tutorials on the company’s products and services, allowing customers to solve their problems and learn how to use the products independently.
  • Chatbot: A conversational agent based on artificial intelligence that can answer customer questions, provide relevant information and direct them to the appropriate resources.
  • Forum: An online space where customers can ask questions, share experiences, exchange advice and get help from other users.
  • Automatic Call Back: A tool that allows customers to request a call back at a time convenient to them, avoiding excessive wait times to speak to an agent.
  • Real-time order tracking: A system that allows customers to track the status of their orders in real time, from preparation to delivery.
  • Email Response Automation: Custom and automated email templates that answer common customer questions and provide solutions to common problems.
  • Support ticket management: A ticket management system that allows customers to report issues, track their status, and receive updates on their resolution.
  • Returns and Refunds Management Platform: A tool that facilitates the product return and refund process by guiding customers through the process.
  • Automated Call Center: An automated telephone response system that allows customers to quickly access desired information, without having to wait to speak to a human agent.
  • Customer Data Analysis: Analytics tools that collect and interpret customer data to understand their preferences, behaviors, and needs, allowing for a more personalized customer experience.
  • Appointment Management Platform: A system that allows clients to book appointments online for specific services or consultations.
  • Customer satisfaction assessment: Surveys and questionnaires to measure customer satisfaction after interaction with the company, allowing to identify areas for improvement.
  • Social Media Platform: A tool to monitor and respond to customer comments and messages on social media, ensuring fast and efficient interaction.
  • Subscription Management System: A tool that allows customers to manage their subscriptions, communication preferences and unsubscribe easily.